Opportunities happen all the time. The fun is determining which ones are for us and which are not. We have to test the doors with discernment. Some may take more testing and others may stay open until the last minute, even the last second.
I had such a thing this week. One of the writing organizations I am part of was looking to train more coaches. I love helping others and encouraging them. I had the opportunity last year to teach a class for them. So I thought this was the thing to do. I had some hurdles to overcome.
First, I had to explain it to my husband of how if I spend this much money, I’ll be certified to coach the members of this writing community. I would be paid for said services. The cost was even better because something I planned on signing up for when finances allowed was included. Plus other things.
Second, was financing it. For the first time, they had a way to go with a payment plan. However, it is through an unsecure loan or credit line. These are far stricter than any other type of loan, but have far better rates than a credit card. They did not approve me for enough, but said that I could still be eligible. Well, I wasn’t. I had to tell the facilitator I couldn’t be approved that way. He asked what he could do for me and all I could say was give me time because I did not feel comfortable putting it on my credit card.
The door closed with no further discussion. I totally get it because a deadline was set. To onboard the trainees for a May 2nd start, there has to be some time to do it. I am disappointed, but I also know God had a reason to make it not work out. There are other things going on and maybe it would have put too much on my plate at once.
Another opportunity came out of this. We decided we should see what we could do with refinancing. We had things to do around the property to keep it up, maybe a new lawnmower, and some cash on hand for the unexpected and anything we might need with our businesses. I knew we were approved on Friday, but I still wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on the coaching opportunity. That’s because there are more things that have to be properly arranged before things are finalized. I did not know if it would be done before the credit card was due. It probably would, but I’ve never rolled over a debt on my credit card in six years. I only use one to help my credit score and when I don’t feel secure using my debit card online.
Maybe the money I spent on the training now will be needed for something else God intended. Maybe there is something else in the works that will lead to helping fellow writers differently. I don’t know, but I’m feeling confident about where things are going. Like I said, last week I have to let go and let God. When I do, I find a lot of relief and peace even when a desired door slams in my face last minute.
I have to stay with how God wants me to live my abundant life. I have to be authentic about why I have the desire and what I will do for it. When one desire goes against another, I have to go with the one that means more to me. With the coaching, it came down to fulfilling the desire to coach that I have had for a while or staying true to how I steward my finances. I had to go with the latter. God states we need to be good stewards of everything we have.
Another opportunity for my writing business comes with the fun I can have with a Kickstarter and printing some special edition hardcovers as the item to acquire at one of the supporting levels. Will this opportunity work out? I don’t know yet. This door is still open, so I am checking everything out and learning how best to do this. I want it to be fun and exciting for all who want to come on board.
So much work and learning. So many emotional moments, good and bad. Life is truly abundant for me.
I encourage you to try those doors, but with God helping you discern them. Some open doors you will come to and realize you shouldn’t step through for even a second while others need more testing. God’s Word, the Bible, truly tells us how to do this and know how to hear His Spirit. You’ll find it in Ephesians and I am thinking of expounding on that next week.
Until then, tell us a story about how doors opened or closed for you this week.
You've some good points here! I wish you well in this!